Saturday, November 3, 2012

ENT Visit on 10/31/2012..or, what? no new Ink?

Hi there.

that's what my Doctor asked me..."What? no new Tattoo"? told him no, i was going to wait till 01/07/2013 till i did my next one, that will be the 2 year date, the 11% date (if i did not treatments) so i stalled out and am now thinking about what to have inked if needed.

You have to wonder about how the visit goes when he mentions right off the bat "you have made it longer then i thought you would" i have mixed emotions over that statement, either i am stronger then they thought or i am just more stubborn then they thought.

But after a quick look down the throat and a check out of the jaws and mouth i have the following update.

1. The jaws are opening less then before, i knew that, i cry when i try and eat a baby cheese burger like a normal human, my jaws and mouth will not open that far any more, my teeth will open less then two fingers now...but the good news is most finger foods is less then two fingers, but dame i so want a Carl's 6 Dollar western bacon burger.

2. The cancer is starting to make a home in the base of my tongue on the right side, i can feel it there its like a small ball, if it keeps growing they can do some palliative treatments like Radiation, maybe removing it (the cancer) maybe removing it (the tongue) some of you cheered over that last one, you sick bastards!...LOL

3. I am now on Methadone and Percodan, if i do the full mix i sleep for 90 minutes at a time and am lethargic, so i am playing around with the dosage and i think i have it where i want it,

Now this brings me up to the big news....

I rescued a new Kitten, his Name is Alex, he is a Grey Tiger who is a whole 4-5 weeks old(per my Vet) when i found him wandering the streets and alleys, he is a now growing into a fat butterball, he is so full of piss and vinegar that he is making a stab at running the house. Leela is not to fond of him, but since Leela weighs in around 9 pounds and Alex is a whopping 1lb 8 oz's you would think that she would not care, wrong..Alex chased her away the other day and he is King as of now, which brings us to the real master of this House, or Mistress i should say...

Sasha, she does not care, she is been great, she barked at him once and he (Alex) spit back at her and swiped his little paws at her, since then they have been great together, my guess is Sasha thinks its my old Gold Tiger T.C. see, i think all Sasha sees (and smells) is a male cat that is striped like his buddy that's been gone for 2 years now, and i think Sasha thinks T.C. is come back in a smaller form, it smells the same, looks the same, so?

So? i say...well meet Alex....well and i am in here also...

Later one and all...

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