Monday, October 1, 2012

Palliative Care Visit

Greetings, its 01:55 in the morning and i have nothing better to do then try and follow up on my promise to update my blog in a timely manner, so "Hi" how the hell are you doing?

I would offer to turn on the light, make some Tea, but i am pretty sure most of you would try and kick the living shit out of me, cancer or no cancer, i will compromise and type quieter.

Saw the Palliative care doc's on Friday and we have come to the following conclusions,

1. I am still alive, that is always a good thing to know.
2. I am still holding weight, guess i should have told them about the 5 extra pounds of stuff i had jammed in my pockets, cell phone, keys, large wallet, gun stuff like that might screw up the weight total, oh well.
3. The two large lumps on the bottom of my feet (one on each sole) is a form of tendinitis, not sure how that came about, but at least the lumps have names aside from "Thelma and Louise" you can guess which is which.
4. Pain meds were adjusted (again) instead of 5mg of methadone 3 times a day they want me to take 10mg of methadone 3 times a day.
5 and last but not least, they would like to take over all my medicine needs, i have always gone to an outside pain doctor for my meds, done that ever since i tried turning my spine into limp noodles, but since the med doses need closer monitoring they want to do it, i can see that, so OK, i will let them take care of it...for now.

after i was done being poked, prodded and probed i ran a couple of errands, came home did about 3 hours of yard work in the warm autumn sun and that night, for giggles my personal hell came to visit.

I have this strange affliction, it use to only visit every 12-18 months but now it is visiting more often, it's simple picture this,

For no reason, just out of the blue you start feeling cold, and as time goes on you get colder and colder, you pile on the blankets as you start to shake, toss in heating pads, more blankets, a pet or two and you just keep shaking, it will go on for hours (longest i could remember was was 10 hours once, that was when i was in high school) this happened Friday night Saturday morning, no real fever shows up, it feels like i have one but if i measure it it will not show that i have one..strange huh?

I have talked to Doctors over the years about this and they have no idea what it is, I call it "My personal malaria" but i will tell you what, it hurts like hell, i can't move my jaw well and when you shudder like that, or when you get real cold you want to yawn, i can't yawn, hurts like you cannot believe, after its all said and done, i end up feeling like i have run a marathon only to get to the finish line to have to "gang-banger" types there ready to work over every muscle (or pile of fat) in my body with baseball there is a visual for you.

so now with that in mind, i have a follow up with my oncologist in the morning at 09.45, so i better go stretch out and rest, maybe try to sleep a bit, i hope everyone has had a great weekend, talk at you later.

Cory Houchen

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