Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gray Areas

I love gray areas.../sarcasm

The MRI result is back, it was clean, so i have no cancer in my head at this time, now they just have to figure out the rest.

The Rest = why i am so tired, why when i am awake i want to sleep, why i feel like crap (not brown and squishy) and all the rest, i know their answer its just so fun to complain about it,

I have spent since the first week of December not feeling well, first it was me being in reaction to the cancer drug, they it was because i was not on the cancer drug and it was leaving my system, now it's because i am back on the drug and its building back up in my system, it's one of the classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenarios.

The rash is back in my scalp, nice little wet rash, but that's good in a way, its not showned up any other place but there for now, well i take that back, it has shown up one other place and i will not post pictures of there, though some that read this blog have seen that before.

but all it is for now is trying to get back into the right mindset for this treatment again.

Gray area, its when the treatment appears to be working, in my case i have no "new" growth, but i have no remission, i still have active cancer in my body, its just not getting worse, or better, gray area.

So i get to remain sick but better? i guess, i file this under the likes of "military intelligence" an oxymoron.

later all, i am going to go watch "ghost in the machine" nothing like anime to get your morning started.

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