Monday, July 2, 2012

Motel 6 in a heatwave

Greetings, i am done with the first part of my trip, i am sitting in a Motel 6 in the middle of america in the middle of a heatwave, i have not been feeling that well the last few days, so that has made me decide to head back to home, or in that direction roughly.

I have seen some old friends while on the road, i have met up with Connor and with Melody and Russ, i have watched the chaos of the fireworks stand, i have seen the upper part of the country again, if i was to live i would probley move to the lower part of colorado and live there, but since i am not...oh well.

I plan on taking the southern route home, through Missouri, Oklahome, Texas, New Mexico and then Arizona..i like the desert, no matter what i say about it i always liked the desert, i just did not like Barstow.

As you read this (well most of you) i will be gone, moving down the road, looking at the sight..

later all.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

came upon your blog from google, searching for anything similar to the title of my blog- wordsfromthehomefront
your blog came up in the search. I've read some of your writing. I'm not sure what to say, but this, you seem to be and feel very alone in this walk you are on. I am so sorry. I will tell you this- I am praying for you: for comfort, peace as you travel this unknown path, and that those you love will be by your side. and I'm praying that you will see the hand of God reaching out to you and grasp it and never let go, because He won't let go of you. I know.