Monday, May 14, 2012

A sunny Monday

ah i am still alive to you that are following the sorry..

I am starting a new regime in pill taking started by my Chemo doctor..i am now on "birth Control" for chemo patients...21 days on..7 days off..i just finished my 7 days off and restarted the pills today..and i am hating life.

I usually take my pills around 3amish (yes..I'm Amish) and then go back to sleep so when the nausea starts i will be asleep and miss most of it, my plan worked well today, well until i woke up. sick feeling, full of natural gas and just wanting to die.

I tried to sleep some more but my yipping little friend over in apartment c was up and yapping, and then the mailman had a letter i had to sign for, so i just gave it up and started moving around, i was hoping as the day went on i would feel better, but that's not really happening.

so what do i do about this? i mean i was feeling so good off the meds, but there is a side effect to that, the cancer will grow faster and something about me ceasing life signs happens faster (Christie wants me alive so she can take a Disney Vacation in November, how selfish..j/k)

i will talk to the Chemo Doc come Monday, maybe there is a way to take smaller doses over the day that will be easier on me instead of one big dose at a time.

aside from that in the last week of no chemo drugs my skin cleared up and is healing, i have not been sick to my stomach, less headaches and a little less on the nose that's all good, the bad part? i had to restart..sigh..

aside from that all is good, i am thinking of taking the truck out on a road trip for a few days..not sure where..its an old explorer with an old sick driver..what could go wrong?

all disaster list can be sent to my personal email, i am sure they are entertaining.

later all..


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