Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Update, the ticker is ticking edition


back from the cardiologist today, seems the heart is in sinus rhythm now, he is going to keep me on the meds for the next couple of months just to make sure (there is no harmful side effects to the heart drugs)

so i am happy with that, well that was until he mentioned that he wanted me to do a treadmill test, i laughed, told him the last time i ran was in the 70's in high school, the amount of metal in my spine precludes me from running, he said he will make me walk fast so i have that to look forward to, now back on the cancer front...

still sitting here gagging most of the night, but slowly recovering, i am still weak, but getting stronger as i go, the hair has slowed down on the falling out scale, you cant tell i lost much it is hidden on the back of my neck.

i am still having trouble with the mouth, the top of the mouth (the hard palate area) is still shedding layers of skin, same with my tongue, so the mucus is still way up, which stops me from sleeping, it builds up in your mouth and either you choke yourself awake, or are awaken but the pool of drool (good name for a band) that you roll your face in, then you have to get up, clean your mouth, gag for a while, and then i am awake.

my next round of appointments starts the 23rd, that is to see if i am still alive and how well i am doing,

i am posting less now, mainly because its all the same, i will post when there is something interesting or about once every few days, as always you all know how to get a hold of me if you have questions

i am off movie hunting now, sleep well all

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I'll think of you next Monday afternoon when I'm on the treadmill...glad the pitter patter of your heart is back in rythym!