Monday, October 26, 2009

Meeting with the radiation Doctor

Hi all,

i had my 30 day meeting with the radiation doctor on the 23rd, and it went well, the tumor looks gone, my mouth is healing (not all the way but close) i still cannot eat regular food, but i am eating more then i use to, the weight loss is slowing to about a pound a week, so they are happy as a clam...ummm clams.

The sores on my neck are all gone, the skin has peeled off leaving nice fresh skin, or as i been told "its baby skin, soft and easily burned" so i keep spf 15 on it just to be safe.

i still don't have to worry about saving, the majority of my face will not grow hair yet, but where it does is funny, the side burn area grows well, i am thinking of doing Elvis sideburns, i can be a hunk of "burning, burned love" (radiation = get it)

i have two more doctors appointments this week, on the 28th and 29th, the one on the 28th is with the ENT surgeon who found this, he is going to put a scope down my throat and take a good look, so that's the one that counts, the other one is the chemo doctor, o think he just wants to take my pulse and blood count.

but aside from that i am still not sleeping that much, and when i do its for about 90 minutes at a time, i wake up, clear my mouth and throat and then sleep for another 90minutes or so..repeat and rinse as needed.

have a good day all,

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Haha, Elvis. Glad you got good news.